My Story
Louise Phelan
Chief Boosting Officer
Hello, I'm Louise.
My passion lies in unlocking performance potential and supporting women to meet and exceed their objectives in life and at work. My goal is to put their career success back where it belongs - in their own, safe hands.
For over 30 years I have partnered with women from the frontline to the boardroom, working with them to align behaviours and mindsets, to build new habits and create lasting, behavioural change.
I’ve spent a good part of my professional, adult life mentoring and coaching women in the workplace. Helping them find themselves; be true to themselves; to clarify their dreams and supporting them to work damn hard to attain their goals; to always entertain new skills and succeed spectacularly wherever they choose.
I owe each one of the wonderful corporate warrior women I have counselled, mentored and guided during my career, a great deal of gratitude, for all they have each contributed to my own development journey. The trust they placed in me and their willingness to try new ways of operating and behaving is nothing short of inspirational and has served to buoy me through my own career and life choices. I am in ever awe of their tenacity, their resolve, their humour and above all, their willingness to learn and develop and share their fears and dreams with me. I have learnt that women need to share their stories in order to help other women learn skills and techniques to support their success in the professional workplace.
The Boost Your Career program is a way of sharing my personal journey and understanding of the corporate world in support of those coming behind, those professional females who are keen to learn and try new methods of adapting to their often confusing, working world.
My experience spans a myriad of workplaces and industry sectors, including RMIT University; Ernst & Young; QGC (British Gas); Thiess Services; AAMI; CS Energy and Incitec Pivot Limited. I have hands-on expertise in the development and delivery of corporate culture change programs, leadership development solutions, coaching and designing customised learning programs aligned to career visions and culture shift requirements.
I support my coaching conversations with a range of models and tools, including:
EI Mindset (The Culture Group)
Authentic Self (The Culture Group)
The Leadership Circle Accreditation (TLC)
Life Styles Inventory Accreditation (LSI – Human Synergistics)
Myers Briggs Type Indicator Accreditation (MBTI)
DiSC Personality Profile Accreditation (DiSC)