Boost Your Career
For Organisations
Boost Your Career provides the opportunity to support your female staff with their career progression journey, actively promoting gender diversity across your organisation.

If you're an employer of choice, or looking to become one, or simply interested in the future fit of your strategic plan, chances are you're wanting to enhance or supplement the current career development opportunities for your new and emerging female leaders.
Organisations have the opportunity to support their female staff by offering them access to a Corporate Boost Your Career program, which could be enhanced by offering a unique, keynote address.
Boost Your Career Workshops, customised for your organisation, are available on each of the 4 agencies of the Boost Your Career program. A perfect follow up activity would be facilitated group coaching sessions.

A comprehensive online program designed to jump-start the career enhancement process for corporate cohorts of professional woman.
The Boost Your Career online program is perfect for corporate cohorts as its flexible delivery allows corporates to set internal timeframes for course completion. The program is supported by simple, safe and successful strategies for boosting behavioural change to create a new way of thinking. The online program has a set of clear and simple success models underpinned with tried-and true strategies and techniques to help your female leaders design their fit-for-purpose career development blueprints.
Each of the 4 agencies centres on aspects of culture and behaviour that have significant impact on the professional career, supported with practical tasks, exercises and activities designed to make the learning "stick". Through stories, observation, strategies and examples participants are guided safety to the shore of a tailored development plan designed by the participants.
The Boost Your Career Online Program provides corporate cohorts electronic course material and activity guides to facilitate learning; access to an online library of videos where corporate female leaders share stories of their journey; along with an invitation to join the Boost Community Circle - a sharing platform where participants can connect with other corporate women who are redefining their career vision.
The 4 agencies are: Boost Your Self, Boost Your Voice, Boost Your Confidence, Boost Your Future.
Boost Your Career Corporate Online Program

Customised Workshops
Customised workshops are an engaging way to explore the Boost Your Career topics with your cohort of professional women, either in-person or online. Workshops are specifically designed to challenge thinking and prompt behavioural change action plans and can be customised to suit the specific needs of your cohort.
Workshops can act as stand alone development days, or can be delivered in support of an existing Corporate Online Program of Boost Your Career.

Keynote Address
A Keynote address is a thought provoking and interactive way to conclude a Corporate Boost Your Career Online Program, or as a stand alone development session for your workforce.
Boost Your Career Author, Louise Phelan, is available for corporate speaking engagements which can be customised to suit the needs of your cohort, focussing on the Boost Your Career agencies or other career development areas.
Louise has over 30 years of experience mentoring and developing women in the workforce and has a career spanning a myriad of workplaces and industry sectors including universities, banking & finance, energy and resources. Louise is an experienced and accomplished keynote speaker with a flair for sustained audience engagement. Her style is natural, infectious and promotes reflective thinking and action for change. Louise blends practical strategies with real world experience and stories as she weaves a refreshingly authentic narrative on her journey through the corporate world.

Corporate Coaching
Individual or group coaching Discussion Circles to support the Boost Your Career program and to support women to achieve their career vision. Coaching is can be delivered online or face-to-face and is provided by the Author and Chief Boosting Officer, Louise Phelan.
A quote from Louise:
"I've spent a good part of my professional life mentoring and coaching women in the workplace. Helping them find themselves; be true to themselves; to clarify their dreams and supporting them to work hard to attain their goals; to always entertain new skills and succeed spectacularly wherever they choose.
My coaching approach is based on my ability to engage, motivate and develop women at all levels. My personal style captures a high level of comfort with experiential and active learning methodology and a clear application of high level conversation techniques."

Boost Your Career Book: COMING SOON
The Boost Your Career Book summarises all of the learning from the Online Program and acts as a reference resource for female leaders to keep with them as their career grows. A perfect tool for women new and returning to the professional workplace and an ideal corporate gift to conclude an internal development program.
Boost Your Career is based on a simple behavioural change approach of Believe - Adopt - Sustain. This model recognises that change itself requires a strong belief and commitment to a vision, underpinned by values aligned behaviours. The goal is to better understand yourself to positively impact others and promote yourself.
The Boost Your Career Book contains a condensed version of the learning material from the Boost Your Career Online Program, covering all 4 program agencies. The Book includes a set of clear and simple success models along with tips and techniques for defining career enhancement.
Reviews of the Book:
"It feels like one of Louise's coaching sessions, but in hard copy!"
"Real life, practical examples and a refreshingly candid voice - highly recommend"
"So incredibly relatable... a real boon for the modern woman"
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